liquid de-icer
Along with removing snow, Skyline also offers a high performance liquid de-icer to make your sidewalks and roadways cleaner and safer fast. Our de-icer is a mixture of magnesium chloride and feed grade molasses, and can be mixed with traditional rock salt to create a remarkable deicer. In addition to working faster, treated salt provides the following advantages:
Works to –35° F
Use 35% to 50% less salt
Eliminates black ice
Eliminates hard pack
90% less corrosive than salt
Safer for all surfaces – even quality concrete surfaces
No messy white residue
Reduces custodial care
100% biodegradable
Friendlier to landscape
Extends life of equipment
Pet friendly
Won’t clump or freeze
No shelf life
How it works
Ice B’ Gone Magic is a highly effective liquid deicing agent designed to create a barrier between the concrete surface and the snow/ice and prevents them from bonding. Because of this, even if sidewalks or roadways are snow covered, pedestrians and vehicles are able to still have traction.
How it works
Ice B’ Gone Magic is a highly effective liquid deicing agent designed to create a barrier between the concrete surface and the snow/ice and prevents them from bonding. Because of this, even if sidewalks or roadways are snow covered, pedestrians and vehicles are able to still have traction.
Our liquid de-icer is readily available in three different options: bags, bulk and liquid form. Using liquid de-icer will reduce your overall costs of snow maintenance, cause less damage to landscapes and equipment, eliminate black ice and hard packs, and above all, make roadways and sidewalks safe before, during and even after a snow event.
For more information contact us!

Bags consist of rock salt coated in liquid de-icer. Bags are readily available in 50 pound bags to make smaller areas a breeze to manage. They are sold by the pallet so you can be sure your walkways and other areas are completely ice free all winter long.

Skyline offers bulk treated salt for both pick up and delivery! We are open during every active snow event, including nights and weekends to best serve every snow professional's needs. Allow Skyline to handle and store the extra product, without additional fees for night and weekend pick up.

When bought in liquid form,
de-icer be used several ways. For example, it could be used to coat and treat existing piles of rock salt, added to brine for enhancement or even directly applied to pavement.